The Standards for Pre-College Music Education are a toolkit aimed to guide pre-college music education providers in evaluating their activities and enhancing quality. They are also meant to assist pre-college music education providers in defining and describing their own concept and vision and how both are implemented. The Standards for Pre-College Music Education can be used in various contexts and should be perceived as ‘guidelines’ in all these contexts. In no way should they be understood as focusing on the fulfilment of normative standards.
The Standards for Pre-college Music Education were developed by the FULL SCORE ‘Evaluation for Enhancement’ Working Group, composed of representatives of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC), the European Music School Union (EMU) and the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS).
The Working Group has used the MusiQuE Standards for Institutional Review and Programme Review as reference and adapted them to the needs of Pre-college music education. Information about MusiQuE can be found at
More information on the Working Group objectives, composition and work can be found on the AEC website ( under FULL SCORE Project (see Strand B1: Evaluation for Enhancement).
Find the document here.