EMC – European Music Council

The European Music Council (EMC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and promotion of all genres and types of music in Europe. It is a network that promotes and supports music-related activities for representatives of both national music councils and European networks involved in the fields of music education, creation, performance, participation, production and heritage.

The EMU has not only been a member of the EMC in the category “European Music Organisation” for many years, but has also had numerous representatives within its board.

The EMC was founded in 1972 as the European regional group of the International Music Council (IMC), and has been registered under German law as an independent association since March 2003. The EMC contributes to a better mutual understanding amongst people and their different cultures, and promotes the right for their musical cultures to coexist. Therefore, it provides value to its members through the analysis of policy developments and formulation of policy statements; capacity building and knowledge exchange, as well as creating networking opportunities within and beyond the music sector on an international platform.

What is the EMC?

Activating the Music Sector
The European Music Council voices the needs and interests of the music sector by bringing together representatives of European music networks and organisations of all fields. It has the necessary expertise and knowledge to act as a consultant and contribute to policy developments relating to music and culture. This has a structuring effect on the music field. The EMC serves as an influential advisory body for political decision makers when it comes to discussing music and its impact on a pan-European level.

Through its initiative the “European Agenda for Music”, the EMC brings together, for the first time, representatives of the not-for-profit and the commercial sectors to speak with one voice.


  • the “European Agenda for Music” – after the publication of the draft Agenda (June 2017), the dissemination and implementation phase “from theory to practice” will start
  • Raise awareness for musical diversity and music as a societal and political factor, including new audiences, intercultural dialogue, music and migration/refugees and their cultural and creative influences
  • Speak for music in debates on the development of cultural policies in Europe and internationally in partnership with members and potential collaborators
  • Build capacity on advocacy work among the membership
  • Create synergies with other networks active in culture policy
  • Represent the voice of the European music sector in international policy debates
  • Ensure the contribution of the European music sector to the implementation of the EU Strategy for culture in external relations
Strengthening the Music Sector
The EMC provides exceptional value to European music organisations, as it provides practical knowledge and expertise, strengthens their competences and capacities, enables networking and as such contributes to the professionalisation and competitiveness of the music sector.


  • Professionalise the music sector through international exchange and dialogue with experts
  • Strengthen the capacity of the music sector, e.g. through new business & management models, digital tools , etc.
  • Encourage peer-to-peer learning through the EMC staff exchange programme
  • Create and foster synergy effects for the music sector (through meetings, conferences and workshops)
  • Provide an accurate overview of the music sector (via membership survey & data collection)
  • Empower the capacity of young professionals working in the music sector (EMC fellowship programme)
  • Increase advocacy power of members by making them knowledgable about latest developments in cultural policy (national, European, international)

Connecting with and beyond the Music Sector
The European Music Council enhances communication and supports the exchange of information between players within the European music sector. It encourages cooperation between players in that sector and beyond by initiating and facilitating joint activities and partnerships. This will contribute to creating synergetic effects and internationalise the music sector.


  • Increase the visibility of the EMC and its members’ activities
  • Communicate about EMC activities, members activities, the music and culture sector at large, using the EMC communication and dissemination strategy (see D2)
  • All communication will clearly state that the project is funded by the EU
  • Develop and coordinate cooperative projects with different partners
  • Exchange with European and international networks from all artistic disciplines
  • Participate in projects coordinated by members and partners
  • Promote and contribute to the internationalisation of the music sector through participating in IMC programmes and activities
  • Carry out the STAMP project (STAMP – Shared Training Activities for Music Professionals), funded by Erasmus+ (not part of this application, no double funding will occur)